
Praise the Lord!

This is for the peeps that are stressin about the long term!

So, I had an amazing time at the love of God tour! I mean I was on fire for the lord! Definately entered a spiritual high if you will! how couldnt you when you're living out what looks like a chapter in the book of Acts! Well for me, and I'm sure its only a matter of time for most, that didnt last for long. I left for California and watched as the "spiritual High" slipped away from me. I was not feeling very good about myself, I allowed the enemy to use this to his advantage and slowly convince me that something was wrong.

I went for a run a on the beach earlier, this time it was about 5 miles in one direction. (away from the house) haha. when i finaly met my destination I turned around and saw a vast field of beach goers, surfers, and other runners. I could not see, on the other hand, my next destinaion. home. It felt like a very far way back. 10 miles in up-and-down sand hills with waves crashing into your side starts to look a little overwhelming about half way. So, I started to walk back and think and pray. God began revealing little ideas to me noting too big or out of the norm, It was a good walk. eventually I felt like I had done enough thinking and just plain wanted to get home. I started running again with little faith that I would make it all the way back without stopping. About one minute into the jog, I felt discouraged and wanted to quit. That feeling very quickly caused me to push myself. I thought about a few of my life decissions, one of them being going back to school for 4 more years, another one being my coffee shop/career. Those are very long term goals. I'm not good with long term goals, in fact a week can some times seem too long term for me! I thought to myself, "Is this how you are going to pursue you're life dream, run for about a minute and then quit because you tired or dont think you can make it?" "NO!" I began to sprint and then God spoke to me. "Stop" he said. "Slow Down" so I did. He revealed to me how emotionaly lead I tend to be. He also told me that if I was in it for the long hawl, that I was'nt going to be able to sprint the whole way, Its just not possible.  Had I tried to be lead by my emotion, my fear of giving up, than I would have injured myself and probably wouldnt be able to run for months. So much for the "long hawl"!
      We need to look at our spiritual walks in the same way. We must not be lead by emotion. That "spiritual high" I mentioned earlier... thats like sprinting. Its great to sprint for Christ, alot of spiritual growth can take place and we can challenge our "spiritual muscles" while we're at it. But, Its no more and no less glorifying to God, than the times we walk. God wants us to be in it for the long hawl. Just as in every relationship, passion is good, Its great, but it can't be an all day every day thing. We simply just dont have the energy for it.
it showes alot more about a relationship, when you can learn to be just as in love with that person during a "dry spell", or just a time of "walking" as when things are fiery!  I challenge you to look at your relationship with God.  Is he asking you to sprint, walk, or sit down and just plain listen to what hes been trying to tell you.  No answere is wrong. haha I want you guys that actually took the time to read this, to realize that its not all about the high, and that sometimes Gods gona call you to chill out and take a break. You dont always have to be a part of a healing our shouting at the top of your lungs the glory of God. Don't get me wrong, be on fire as often as possible, just dont make it all about that!

Love you guys!